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KWT-SAUDI Joint Cmte to accelerate joint projects - Kuwait Oil Ministry

Kuwait-Saudi Joint Committee meeting for oil projects
Kuwait-Saudi Joint Committee meeting for oil projects

KUWAIT, July 3 (KUNA) -- The Kuwait-Saudi Joint Committee meeting for oil projects acceded for the divided zone to be panned out and addressed the strategic plans and tasks laying ahead in order to push for an accelerated course. Kuwait Oil Ministry Undersecretary Dr. Nimir Al-Sabah had mentioned this meeting comes at a crucial time as efforts to push for the continuation of the Wafar and Khafji projects to commence.

The Committee made clear that implementing terms of the memorandum signed in 2019 will be a priority and bring forth the challenging that may impede this process and other natural resource projects in the region. The supply operations for these projects will be focusing on Wafra and Al-Khafji oil fields through Nuwaseeb and Al-Khafji areas as step towards progressive means for the project engineers, paving appropriate and safe working conditions for workers and the servicer companies. The logistical matters of border crossing for workers, materials and equipment needed for such an endeavor is paved in accordance with the terms agreed upon, including safety measures and conditions needed for involved companies (Aramco, Chevron) to operate accordingly, as mentioned by Dr. Nimir.
Mainly the focus will be on the advancements in communication between all involved in the contract and the use of more recent administrative innovations, in addition to regularly scheduled committee meetings easing progress for the oil sector projects. Attending the meeting held at the Head Operating office for Wafra oil fields, was Saudi Assistant Ministry of Energy, Mohammad Al-Brahim, along with participating members from both Kuwaiti and Saudi sides.
The Agreement on the Joint Oil field operations began in 2000, succeeded by the divide of the submerged zone adjacent to the divided zone of 2000.
Both sides signed a memorandum putting forth terms agreed upon for contract companies to jointly work on the fields thriving the Dec 24th's agreement of 2019, which relit production in the divided zone, all agreement are referenced to the 1965 neutral zone partition agreement. (end) khm.nfa.aq