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US says Sudan''s election step toward peace

WASHINGTON, April 9 (KUNA) -- The US said here Friday that the upcoming Sudanese elections were an "important step" for its peace agreement.
State Department Spokesman Philip Crowley told reporters that it views Sudan's elections as an "important step in the implementation of the comprehensive peace agreement which ended a 22-year war between north and south".
He indicated that "this weekend there will deployment of a large, significant number of observers," which will include accredited domestic and a number of international observers.
"We want to see these elections conducted in accordance with established plans and in a way that will reflect the will of the Sudanese people" he added.
Crowley stressed the need to have fair elections, saying "the United States will continue to raise concerns where we see them, but we continue to work very, very hard with authorities there in the preparations, for these elections on Sunday that will continue through much of next week. But we will not hesitate to state when we think that these efforts fall short of international standards". (end) me.si.bs KUNA 100053 Apr 10NNNN