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Iraqi pilgrim did not die of swine flu -- Iraqi Health Ministry

BAGHDAD, Nov 22 (KUNA) -- The Iraqi Health Ministry told KUNA here on Sunday the pilgrim, 64, recently reported dead had passed away as a result of a heart attack and not swine flu, affirming all other Iraqi pilgrims are safe.
A medical team consisting of 325 doctors is accompanying the Iraqi pilgrims and a total of 20 clinics have been set up in Makkah plus a consultation center, the Health Ministry's spokesperson Dr. Sabah Karkouli said.
The swine flu vaccines are also available in Makkah, Dr. Karkouli added.
Addressing reporters in Karbala, the Health Minister Salih Mahdi Al-Hasnawi had said in earlier remarks that a pilgrim died of a stroke and another Iraqi female pilgrim suffered an asthma attack and was hospitalized.
The Health Ministry reported ten swine flu deaths so far, Al-Hasnawi said, adding the ministry has inked an agreement to ensure six million swine flu vaccines are made available.
The Iraqi government placed thermal equipment and cameras at the country's border checkpoints and airports to spot those suffering from the disease, Al-Hasnawi said.(end) mhg.mar KUNA 221121 Nov 09NNNN