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WFP, UNICEF grateful to Kuwait''s ''generous contributions'' to assist Somalis

Kuwaiti Permanent Representative Ambassador Mansour Ayyad Al-Otaibi
Kuwaiti Permanent Representative Ambassador Mansour Ayyad Al-Otaibi
UNITED NATIONS, Nov 9 (KUNA) -- Executive Directors of the World Food Programme (WFP) and the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) thanked the State of Kuwait this week for the "generous contributions" to assist the people of Somalia cope with the drought.
In a letter to Kuwaiti Permanent Representative Ambassador Mansour Ayyad Al-Otaibi, WFP's Executive Dirctor Josette Sheeran expressed her "deep appreciation" for Kuwait's "generous contribution" of USD 250,000 to the Programme's emergency food operations assisting the drought-affected people in Somalia and those forced to flee to neighbouring countries.
"This contribution highlights Kuwait's leading role in providing humanitarian and development assistance worldwide. WFP is honoured to pursue and strengthen its partnership with the State of Kuwait and its institutions," Sheeran stressed in her letter to Ambassador Al-Otaibi.
"I would like to reiterate my most sincere thanks and appreciation to the people and Government of the State of Kuwait for supporting the very important operations in Somalia," she added.
"Thanks to the support from the State of Kuwait, WFP will be able to continue the Support to 1.9 million people in Somalia with life-saving nutritious food," she indicated.
Moreover, she added, WFP assists an increasing number of Somali women, children and men who have fled to neighbouring countries in search of food, noting that there are currently 490,000 Somali refugees in Kenya and 150,000 in Ethiopia.
In a separate letter, addressed to Ambassador Al-Otaibi as well, UNICEF Executive Director Anthony Lake also expressed his Agency's "appreciation" for the contribution of USD 250,000 for Humanitarian Assistance and aid to Somalia.
Lake assured Ambassador Al-Otaibi in the letter that the contribution will be utilized as indicated by the Kuwaiti Government.
Ambassador Al-Otaibi announced late Tuesday at a pledging Conference in support of UN development activities for 2012 the Kuwaiti contribution of about USD six million to the various UN agencies.
Twenty Member States pledged approximately USD 265 million at the event. (end) sj.hb KUNA 090929 Nov 11NNNN