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Sudan Army drives JEM fighters out of Adola mountains

KHARTOUM, July 12 (KUNA) -- The Sudanese Army said Monday that it had managed to drive out Justice and Equality Movement fighters stationed in the Adola mountains of the troubled region of western Darfur.
Spokesperson for the Sudan Army Khaled Saad said in a statement that the group was approached from three directions, and that the rebels fled after fighting that lasted two hours, leaving behind a trail of vehicles, injured and killed militiamen.
He added: "We declare the Adola region free of insurgency, after they had attempted to establish a base here." Darfur became the scene of a rebellion in 2003 against the Arab-dominated Sudanese government, with two local rebel groups - the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) and the Sudanese Liberation Army (SLA) - accusing the government of oppressing non-Arabs in favor of Arabs. The government was also accused of neglecting the Darfur region of Sudan and backing a local Arab militia, "the Janjaweed." Thousands of people have been killed and at least a million others have been relocated or turned homeless due to the violent crisis. (end) hha.sd KUNA 122214 Jul 10NNNN