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Suicide bomber killed in a failed attempt on a tribal elder in Pakistan

ISLAMABAD, July 12 (KUNA) -- A suicide bomber was killed on Monday in a failed life attempt on a pro-government tribal elder in Pakistani northern town, said police.
A suicide bomber wanted to target Malik Sawab Khan, a local pro-government tribal elder in Jherma area of Kohat town, about 150 kilometers from Islamabad, police sources told KUNA.
However, the sources said that the bomber's suicide jacket exploded pre-maturely outside the gate of Malik Swabs house.
They added that the bomber was killed, and that there were no other casualties.
This was the second life attempt on Malik Sawab in less than two months. On May 20, unknown gunmen opened fire at his vehicle in the same area, killing one and critically wounding two tribal elders including him. (end) amn.ema KUNA 121151 Jul 10NNNN