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Violence in Kashmir leaves three dead, 70 injured

NEW DELHI, July 6 (KUNA) -- Acute tension prevailed in Srinagar, the capital city of India's northern state of Jammu and Kashmir, on Tuesday after as many as three local residents, including a woman, were killed in police firing, said media reports reaching New Delhi.
At least 70 people were also injured in police firing. The police resorted to firing bullets to disperse an enraged mob protesting the death of a man after he fell into a drain during a demonstration in the city yesterday, added the media reports.
Following the violence and police firing, indefinite curfew was clamped in Srinagar.
Besides Srinagar, violence also took place in various other towns of Jammu and Kashmir, like Baramulla district, Pampore area in Pulwama district and parts of curfew-bound Anantnag district.
Kashmir has witnessed violent protests and curfew following the killing of youths allegedly in firing by security forces last month. (end) py.ema KUNA 061840 Jul 10NNNN