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French soldier killed in Afghanistan

PARIS, Jan 11 (KUNA) -- A French soldier was killed and another gravely wounded in a clash with Taliban militants in Afghanistan on Monday, the French Presidency announced.
France has now lost around 40 men in the Afghan conflict that is now entering its second decade and there are approximately 100,000 foreign troops deployed in Afghanistan, with more on the way.
The latest losses took place when the French contingent was attacked while on patrol with a section of the Afghan army near the Alasay Valley, northwest of Kabul, the French Presidency said in a statement.
"The Head of State reaffirmed his support for the Afghan people and Afghan authorities. He strongly condemned this blind violence and expressed the determination of France to continue to work within the International Security and Assistance Force (ISAF)," President Nicolas Sarkozy was quoted as saying by his office.
Sarkozy said that ISAF had been given an international mission to establish stability in Afghanistan. (end) jk.mt KUNA 111803 Jan 10NNNN