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Egyptian male dies of swine flu

CAIRO, Nov 21 (KUNA) -- An Egyptian 32-year-old male died of swine flu, raising number of fatalities from A (H1N1) virus to nine, Egyptian health ministry said Saturday.
In a statement by the ministry, the deceased was hospitalized on November 18, suffering from pneumonia and was given tamiflu.
It added that the deceased had advanced failure in the liver, which led him to pass away.
According to the Center for Information and Decision-Making Support of the cabinet here, swine flu have transformed into a human-to-human contagion virus.
A statement by the center added that 83 swine flu cases have been confirmed, to add up to the total of 2,975 in Egypt until Friday evening.
Among the new cases, 28 from schools and seven from universities, it pointed out. (end) az.mao KUNA 211838 Nov 09NNNN