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ISAF soldier, several militants killed in Afghanistan

KABUL, Oct 23 (KUNA) -- An International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) soldier died of wounds in an improvised explosive device (IED) attack in southern Afghanistan.
Without revealing name and nationality of the slain soldier, a statement from ISAF press office on Friday said the incident happened on Thursday.
Separately, the Afghan and ISAF troops killed two suspected militants and wounded another in a series of search operations in Wardak province.
The compounds were known to be used by a Taliban commander and his group believed to be responsible for several attacks in the area, said the ISAF statement.
During search, the ISAF troops received fire. In retaliatory attack, the troops killed two fighters and seized several arms and ammunition. In another operation, the joint force killed several militants and detained half a dozen in Helmand province on Friday.
The compound is known to be used by senior Taliban commanders responsible for several attacks and other militant activities in the area, said the statement. (end) gk.gta KUNA 231534 Oct 09NNNN