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Syrian engineer produces eco-friendly vehicle

Talal Al-Kayed (with photos) DAMASCUS, Sept 4 (KUNA) -- With the increasing threats against the environment and demands for eco-friendly products, a Syrian engineer has successfully produced a vehicle which utilizes solar energy as its main source of power.
Speaking to KUNA, Engineer Zaina Al-Baytar, a researcher at Damascus University, said that the project was the first of its kind in Syria, adding that she spent over a year assembling the eco-friendly vehicle.
Through solar panels attached to roof, the vehicle harnessed the sun's energy and converts it into electricity that fuels the car, the engineer explained.
The lightweight vehicle can travel a distance of 200 kilometers with a maximum speed of 80 kilometers per-hour before needing to recharge, stated Baytar.
On his part, Dr. Samieh Al-Jabi, the main supervisor of the project, said that the car would act as a proto-type for an upcoming joint project between Damascus University's Colleges of Engineering and Fine Arts, as a step to promote the design to local or international car manufacturers. (end) tk.gta KUNA 041451 Sep 09NNNN