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Kuwait American Foundation grants US Secretary of State 2009 Humanitarian Award

KUWAIT'S Ambassador to Washington  and his wife with Senator JOHN KERRY and his wife
KUWAIT'S Ambassador to Washington and his wife with Senator JOHN KERRY and his wife

 By Sherouq Sadeqi

 (with photos) WASHINGTON, April 23 (KUNA) -- The "extraordinary" support Kuwait has provided for the US in the last seven years while it conducted operations in Iraq is "greatly appreciated," said US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton late Wednesday.
Clinton was addressing a Gala Dinner held at the Kuwaiti Embassy under the theme "Act for Earth," hosted by the Kuwait-American Foundation (KAF) in partnership with Conservation International (CI) to benefit the fight against climate change.
In support of this worthy cause, KAF has raised over USD 1.8 million, which will be donated to CI in support for their efforts to harness nature as a solution to climate change.
During the Gala, Clinton was granted the 2009 Humanitarian Award by KAF for her "exceptional service over many years in the cause of conservation." "It is a great honor to receive this award," Clinton said, thanking Kuwait's Ambassador to Washington Sheikh Salem Abdullah Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and his wife for their hospitality.
"Kuwait has been a stalwart ally and we have been a strong supporter of Kuwait. For all of us who know the ongoing commitment that Kuwait has shown under difficult circumstances, we should express our gratitude to the Ambassador and ask him to pass it on to his government," she said.
Furthermore, Clinton stressed, "We need to take the issue of climate change seriously," adding that the US "must be a leader," particularly in the run off to the Copenhagen summit on climate change next December.
On his part, Sheikh Salem told KUNA that the embassy "is keen on exerting various humanitarian and charity efforts, and is also keen on varying these efforts, where the proceedings this year will be donated to CI." He added that the participation of several political, media and art figures in this Gala reflects "the credibility and major importance" which the efforts of the Kuwaiti Embassy enjoys here among various American circles.
In a speech addressing the Gala, the ambassador shed light on the strength of Kuwaiti-American relations and their continuous development, saying, "The relationship of our two countries has been tested over time, and has only grown stronger." He noted that "there was a day when the ties between Kuwait and the US were defined largely in commercial terms. But time and events have drawn our nations into a far closer partnership and alliance." The ambassador recalled the major international efforts the US exerted and the "sacrifices" it made for the liberation of Kuwait from the 1990 Iraqi invasion.
As for granting Clinton the 2009 Humanitarian Award, Sheikh Salem said that "America's Secretary of Sate has set an example of steadfast conviction and unrelenting work on behalf of the environment." He added that Clinton "has the respect of millions worldwide" and is a "relentless advocate" for many causes.
"When we are looking for someone to honor as a principled advocate for every nation's interest in confronting climate change, again the choice was clear," the ambassador stressed.
Meanwhile, the ambassador's spouse Sheikha Rima Al-Sabah told KUNA that the Kuwaiti Embassy, in cooperation with the KAF, exerted major efforts during the past five years to organize charity events to collect money for humanitarian and charity causes.
In her speech, in which she presented the Environmental Award to actor Leonardo DiCaprio, Sheikha Rima said that DiCaprio is considered "an exceptional American actor who has also become a compelling voice for a safe environment and a healthy environment." She said he used his fame "to serve a cause that knows no borders; the defense of the earth itself." Furthermore, Sheikha Rima stressed that "governments are working to meet an economic crisis, yet the icecaps continue to melt and the sea levels continue to rise. That, too, is a crisis, demanding the same degree of urgency, care and focus." DeCaprio received the Environmental Award for being "a great champion of environmental causes, from climate change to the protection of endangered species." Accepting his award, DiCaprio said, "We are in the environmental age" and "we need smart policies." "There will be no significant progress without actions from our governments, " he stressed.
The Gala Dinner was attended by several top senior American officials, including Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood; National Security Advisor James L. Jones; House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Howard Berman; Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Senator John Kerry; in addition to diplomats and prominent figures.
CI is working with partners around the world to protect the tropical forests, seascapes and other crucial biological diversity essential to the survival of our planet.
"Act for Earth" is the fifth Gala Dinner hosted by the KAF. Last year, it raised over USD 1.6 million to benefit the fight against malaria in sub-Saharan Africa, which was attended by former US President George W. Bush as Guest of Honor and Keynote Speaker.
KAF was founded in 1991 with a core mission to boost ties between the people of the US and Kuwait, focusing its resources on educational and cultural exchange programs for youth and disadvantaged persons.
Through its gala dinners, which were launched in 2005, KAF has expanded its efforts globally by partnering with different organizations annually to support causes ranging from assisting refugees to improving education, providing quality healthcare, fighting poverty and protecting the environment.
Founded in 1987, Conservation International is a non-profit organization with a mission to support human well being by conserving the Earth's living natural heritage; global biodiversity. (end) si.ema KUNA 230902 Apr 09NNNN