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Saudi Arabia welcomes return of 10 Gitmo detainees

RIYADH, Dec 29 (KUNA) -- Saudi Interior Minister Prince Naif bin Abdulaziz welcomed Saturday the return of 10 citizens from the Guantanamo Bay prison.
Speaking to Saudi Press Agency (SPA), Prince Naif affirmed that efforts by the country's leadership worked in bringing back the detainees, lauding cooperation with the U.S. on the issue.
He hoped that the rest of the Saudis in Gitmo would be back, adding that former detainees would go through the regular interior procedures.
On his part, Saudi Interior spokesman Major General Mansour Al-Turki said that the families of the prisoners were notified of their return, facilitating procedures for the families to meet their loved ones.
Saudi Arabia has assigned a special team to follow up on the detainees at the bay prison which has been a place for several Arabs and foreigners fighters who were caught during the war on Afghanistan in 2001. (end) ay.gta KUNA 291415 Dec 07NNNN