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Ali Majid confess to oppressive actions during Basra 1991 uprising in Iraq

BAGHDAD, Nov 25 (KUNA) -- Ali Hassan Al-Majid, also known as Chemical Ali, confessed on Sunday to crimes committed during the 1991 Basra uprising.
This came during Majid's testimony to the Iraq Supreme criminal court. Also a hearing for one of the eyewitnesses in the Basra incident was also heard by the court.
Majid said "I am fully responsible for what occurred during the Basra uprising and the other defendants in this court have nothing to do to what happened back in 1991." He affirmed that other officials were only following military orders, confessing to other crimes occurring in Kirkuk, Mosul, and other areas in Iraq.
However, he did not accusations regarding his responsibility to crimes occurring in Misan governorate nor did he confess to crimes during the general uprising in Iraq after Kuwait was Liberate in 1991.
Majid said in his testament that operations were aimed against gunmen groups which killed several security officials back then, denying that more than 180,000 citizens were killed during that period.
Supreme Judge Mohammad Al-Rabei ordered that Majid's confessions to be documented.
Majid, alongside 15 other Saddamist officials, are awaiting the death sentence for crimes committee during the Anfal campaign. (end) ahh.gta KUNA 252209 Nov 07NNNN