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Oman agrees to receive 10 Yemeni Guantanamo prisoners

MUSCAT, Jan 14 (KUNA) -- Oman has agreed to a US request to receive 10 Yemeni prisoners at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp, said a statement by the Omani Foreign Ministry on Thursday.
The Ministry said that the 10 prisoners are already in Oman but will remain here temporarily.
The Omani News Agency said that the decision was undertaken by the country's highest authority to aid the US administration's quest to settle the issue of the prison.
Oman had hosted a number of Yemeni nationals in the previous years. US President Barack Obama tried in vain to close down Guantanamo Bay prison which was established in 2002 after the 9/11 attacks. These efforts were hindered by the US Congress.
The number of detainees in the camp was around 103 prisoners back in December 2015. There are more plans by the US Defense Department to transfer more prisoners from the camp. (end) ahr.gta