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Hail storm hampers traffic in Jordan

AMMAN, Jan 1 (KUNA) -- Heavy hail showers began pouring across several parts of Jordan on Friday while some residents, living in areas of high altitude, have been caved in.
Several state institutions announced that tomorrow would be a day off while schools and colleges are to postpone examinations until further notice.
The Kingdom will remain prone to a cold front stemming from northeast Europe in the coming few days, Jordan's Meteorological Dept. chief Mohammad Samawi told reporters tonight.
Snow is 20cm thick in areas which are 800m above sea level such as Ajloun Governorate, northwest of Jordan, Samawi said, warning residents of the area of possible landslides and poor visibility.
Security services have advised the public to stay indoors and to avoid the use of vehicles due to the extreme conditions. (end) ab.gb