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Former CIA official: ISIL strategy ‘not working'

WASHINGTON, Nov 15 (KUNA) -- The strategy against ISIL is "not working and itآ’s time to look at something else," stressed former Deputy Director at the CIA Michael Morell to CBSآ’ Face the Nation on Sunday morning.
"ISIS for the last year has been trying to build an attack capability in Western Europe. I think this is the first manifestation of that effort and that success," he said. "We have had an ISIS affiliate in the Sinai apparently, we don't know for sure yet, but apparently bring down an airliner, only the third airliner brought down by a bomb in the last quarter-century." Morell continued, "We don't know for sure, but it looks like this was planned, organized, directed from Iraq and Syria. They have to get weapons. They have to communicate among themselves and communicate back to Iraq and Syria. That is a level of sophistication that we have not seen since the London bombings in 2005." The former CIA official stressed that the biggest difference between ISIL and Al Qaeda is who is in charge.
"The other, more subtle difference was Al Qaeda's view that we have to defeat the West and then get a caliphate. ISIS' view is, let's get the caliphate and then defeat the West," Morell affirmed. (end) ak.bs