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Three documentaries steal limelight at 8th Arab film festival

ALGIERS, June 6 (KUNA) -- Three documentaries dealing with themes of the hardships of the journalist profession, slavery and memories featured prominently at the opening of the documentary contest of the Eighth International Festival of Arab Film in Oran (FIOFA) Friday night.
In his "Al-Hai Yerawah" (if alive go home), Mohamad BuKhris, of Tunisia, tells about the ordeal suffered by the press people while doing their job in conflict zones.
The documentary shows a group of journalists tasked with covering the violent acts in Tunisia, Libya, Egypt and Syria during the Arab Spring events.
While the Palestinian filmmaker Ashraf Mishehrawi tackles the theme of human trafficking in his "slavery in Yemen" and the inhumane treatment the slaves, males and females, are subject to.
The documentary narrates the stages of the liberation of the male slave "Nasim" from Hejja area, north Sanaa.
On his part, Mohammad Al-Zawi, of Algeria, deals, in his "Akher El-Kalam" (last words) with the memories and biography of the Algerian celebrated novelist Ettaher Wattar who suffered from terrorism in his country in the last two decades.
Thirty-eight movies, including 12 documentaries from 17 countries, feature in FIOFA which opened on Wednesday and lasts until June 12. (end) ft.gb