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Fabius praises Afghans for turning out for elections

PARIS, April 7 (KUNA) -- French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius on Monday issued a strong statement praising the "courage and determination" of Afghan voters who turned out en masse for the first round of presidential elections and for provincial voting last Saturday. "Despite attempts at intimidation and sometimes violence, a great number of voters went to the polls," Fabius said in a statement.
"France praises the courage and determination of the Afghans who thus showed their willingness to take their future in hand and see their country advance on the road of democracy and peace," the minister added.
Fabius also praised the "remarkable work" of the Afghan security forces in ensuring the safety of voters and he lauded all those who had contributed to helping organise the voting and the election.
France''''s Chief Diplomat encouraged all involved to settled disputes within the institutional framework set up to deal with the electoral process.
The results of voting will not be known for a week or so. (end) jk.rk