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Cabinet holds weekly meeting

His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Ahmad Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah presides Cabinet meeting
His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Ahmad Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah presides Cabinet meeting
KUWAIT, Nov 20 (KUNA) -- The Cabinet held its weekly session on Monday at Bayan Palace, headed by His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Ahmad Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah.
After the meeting, the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs, and Minister of State for National Assembly Affairs, Issa Al-Kandari, stated the following: At the beginning of the session, the ministers reviewed the letter by National Assembly Speaker Ahmad Abdulaziz Al-Saadoun, which highlighted a parliamentary grilling submitted by MP Muhalhal Al-Mudhaf to the premier.
The ministers, while recognizing that interrogation is a right guaranteed by the Constitution, they confirmed keenness to support the Prime Minister, expressing hopes that the parliamentary practice regarding interrogation will be consistent with the articles of the Constitution and the internal bylaws of the National Assembly.
Meanwhile, the cabinet also reviewed the outcome of the previous interrogation, which was directed at the Minister of Commerce and Industry and the Minister of State for Youth Affairs, Mohammad Al-Aiban, last Tuesday, which ended with a renewal of confidence for the minister.
In this regard, the cabinet praised efforts exerted by Al-Aiban and his clear answers, statements, and facts.
Finally, marking the occasion of 53rd anniversary of the National Day of the Sultanate of Oman, which coincided last Saturday, the cabinet extended its sincere congratulations to Sultan Haitham bin Tariq, praising the outstanding developments, and achievements made under his leadership. (end) jy.mb