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World Children's Day turns into "mourning" - UN cmte

GENEVA, Nov 20 (KUNA) -- The UN on Monday lamented what it said was the transformation of a day meant to commemorate the rights of children into an occasion for "mourning," amid Israeli attacks that have killed thousands of Palestinian children. More than 4,600 Palestinian children have been killed in the span of just five weeks, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child said in a statement to mark World Children's Day, which falls on November 20 of each year.
It is imperative to ensure a swift ceasefire and subsequent implementation of "basic" humanitarian laws and principles, added the statement, urging the need to allow unimpeded delivery aid to Palestinian children.
In went on to underline its growing concern over the plight of children in many parts of the world, citing Ukraine, Afghanistan and Syria as among the cases in point. (end) ta.nam