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Saudi Crown Prince: Oil output cut has to do only with supply, demand

WASHINGTON, Sept 21 (KUNA) -- Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman said any decision to reduce in the oil production is based on nothing other than supply and demand on the global market.
"We just watch the supply and demand. In case of a shortage in supplies, our role in OPEC+ alliance is to bridge the gap," he said in an exclusive interview with the US Fox News network on Wednesday.
On Saudi Arabia joining the BRICS, he said the Kingdom's membership in the economic grouping has nothing to do political alliances.
BRICS is not opponent of the United States, the Crown Prince stated, noting that several members of the grouping, such as India and Brazil, are US allies.
Founded by Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa in 2010, BRICS decided at its annual leader's summit in Johannesburg, South Africa, on August 22-24, 2023, to admit six new member countries, including Saudi Arabia, as full members as of January, 2024. (pickup previous) asj.rg.gb