Today in Kuwait's History : 29/11/2023



1976 -- State of Kuwait Deputy Amir Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah signed a decree relieving Arab and foreign aviation companies flying to Kuwait from taxes, provided countries of these airlines treat Kuwaiti companies similarly.
1990 -- The UN Security Council issued resolution 678 obliging Iraq to comply with all relevant UN resolutions and stipulating that force would be used if Iraq failed to withdraw from Kuwait by January 15, 1991.
1993 -- The State of Kuwait and Russia signed an agreement on security cooperation.
2004 -- Kuwait Petrochemical Industries Company (PIC) placed 90 percent of its shares, or 990 million stocks, of Qurain Petrochemical Industries Company for public subscription in the largest Initial Public Offering (IPO) in Kuwait's history.
2004 -- State of Kuwait and Japan signed a cooperation protocol for the rehabilitation of Kuwait Bay at a cost of USD 14.6 million. The protocol also included upgrading the oil sector and development of human resources.
2008 -- Pioneering Kuwaiti Musician Khaled Al-Zayed passed away at age 65. The musician had collaborated with many artists and was well known for his contributions to the Kuwaiti television troupe.
2012 -- Kuwait's Health Ministry opened the largest ICU unit in the region at Adan Hospital at a capacity of 41 beds and a cost of KD six million.
2016 -- State of Kuwait offered USD 500 million in easy loans to Tunisia during (Tunisia 2020), an international conference supporting investments in the North African Arab country.
2019 -- Kuwait Ministry of Communications won a seat at the International Maritime Organization (IMO).
2021 -- Abdulaziz Al-Doseri, founder of Kuwait Credit Bank and its first director general, passed away at 101. 2022 - Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development signed a KD 645,000 grant agreement with the UN High Commission Office for Refugees to help displaced people in Yemen. (end) aa