Jours des événements : 19/05/2024


1952 -- The National Bank of Kuwait (NBK) was established as the first bank in State of Kuwait and Arabian Gulf region.
1999 -- Fahad Al-Duwairi, a renowned man of letter and one of the first writers in Kadhma Magazine in 1948, passed away at age of 78.
2000 -- Kuwaiti director Fuad Al-Shatti became member of the higher theater council, the world's top theatrical assembly.
2008 -- Kuwait National Committee for protection of ozone won the US Environmental Protection Agency's ozone protection award in a ceremony held in Washington D.C.
2015 -- Arab Standing Cultural Committee chose Kuwait as Arab Cultural Capital for 2022 in recognition of its cultural role.
2016 -- Islamic Development Bank awarded Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) the Science and Technology Prize for its contributions to social and economic development in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
2016 -- Kuwait Embassy in France confirmed death of Abdulmohsen Al-Mutairi in an EgyptAir plane crash, with the plane, bound from Paris to Cairo, carrying 66 people including the crew. 2021 -- The Council of Governmental Universities approved a suggestion to establish a council general secretariat. (end) gta