Today in Kuwait's History : 13/02/2024



1955 -- The department of social affairs and labor conducted first registration of laborers, where their number reached 34,256.
2004 -- Kuwait's Hussein Habib and Bassel Thamer won gold medal in the men's double of the Asian bowling tournament held in Hong Kong.
2008 -- Sabah Al-Salem international squash complex was inaugurated. The facility, which could host 1,200 fans, included nine courts a clinic and a gym.
2012 -- Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development (KFAED) declared it co-financing more than 800 enterprises in 102 countries at a total value of USD 15.5 billion since its establishment 50 years ago.
2012 -- Ministry of Industry and Commerce banned smoking at restaurants, hotels and cafes. Special and rooms must be step up for smokers.
2018 -- Kuwait Foundation for Advancement of Sciences (KFAS) inked with Sabah Al-Ahmad Center for Giftedness and Creativity and the international Siemens Company a trilateral memo for establishing a strategic partnership for cooperation in knowledge and sciences.
2020 -- Former Farwaniyah governor Abdulhameed Hajji passed away at age 82. (end) gta