Jours des événements : 12/04/2024

KUWAIT, April 12 (KUNA)


1960 -- The Amir Sheikh Abdullah Al-Salem Al-Sabah signed in a decree to establish the Fatwa and Legislation Department, a state body that reviews draft laws, regulations and decisions made by various government entities in order to make sure they are in tandem with Kuwait Constitution.
2002 -- Kuwait won the Second West Asia Games, bagging 71 medals, including 31 gold.
2019 -- The World Bank honored Kuwait Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah for his role in supporting economic and social development regionally and internationally.
2020 -- Kuwait Integrated Petroleum Industries Company (KIPIC) handed over Al-Zour Quarry and KIPIC Medical Center to the Ministry of Health with a capacity of 1,700 beds to face the Covid-19 pandemic.
2021 -- Kuwait Council of Ministers decided to allow "Taraweeh" (night prayers in the month of Ramadan) to be held in mosques for men for only 15 minutes, prohibiting i'tikaf, lectures, iftar and suhoor tables in mosques in line with Corona virus countermeasures. (end) ao