KUWAIT - His Highness the Amir stressed that Kuwait would usher in a new era of responsible, hard work and unyielding giving for a nation that has rights and citizens whose freedoms, interests and funds must be protected.
VIENNA - The world must address the increasing rate of organized crime and its links to terrorism activities, a Kuwaiti diplomat said.
KUWAIT - Kuwaiti Minister of Commerce and Industry said that developing smart government system to improve business environment and attract investments is one of the ministry's priorities.
KUWAIT - Kuwait's Minister of Interior Sheikh said that law will be decisively applied to all to maintain the country's security, stability and territorial integrity.
RIYADH - Acting head of the Kuwaiti Financial Intelligence Unit stressed the importance of exchanging experience among international agencies tasked with the combat against money laundering and terror financing.
MUSCAT - United Nations Secretary General underscored necessity of ending the war in Gaza and granting Palestine full sovereignty over its lands.
ANKARA - Turkish Foreign Minister told his US counterpart Antony Blinken, via phone, that the Israeli attack on Rafah is unacceptable.
MOSCOW - Russia's Foreign Minister said his country would carry on working with the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to fight Islamophobia, Christianophobia and Russophobia worldwide.
WASHINGTON - The United States has imposed sanctions on two leaders of Sudan's Rapid Support Forces (RSF), fighting with the country's army, for their role in operations in Darfur.
CAIRO - Egypt has received USD 14 billion from the UAE as the second payment for the development of Ras al-Hikma City, Egyptian Prime Minister said.
KUWAIT - Slovak Prime Minister was shot and injured in an attempted assassination, according to the country's new agency (RASR). (end) ibi