WASHINGTON, April 22 (KUNA) -- US Central Command (Centcom) has announced that it has conducted an additional humanitarian airdrop in northern Gaza to provide essential relief to civilians affected by the Israeli occupation aggression.
Centcom said in a press release late Sunday that the operation, which involved four C-130 transport planes and US army soldiers specializing in air delivery of US humanitarian aid supplies, included dropping 50,688 meals in Gaza.
The total of the airdrops has risen to 1,001 tons so far, as part of efforts to provide life-saving aid to Palestinians in Gaza, it said, adding that the other operations would be organized in the future to provide more aid to Palestinians.
The US administration has repeatedly said that it wants more humanitarian aid into Gaza, but the Israeli occupation has been blocking aid from reaching people who the United Nations fear were at risk of famine. (end) amm.dss