GAZA, Dec 1 (KUNA) -- The renewed Israeli aggression on the already war-ravaged Gaza Strip on Friday took lives of at least 32 Gazans joining more than 14,000 martyrs who had fallen in the attacks that preceded "the pause" of fighting.
Ashraf Al-Qedra, spokesman of the local health authority in Gaza, said in a statement that the 32 people died in only three hours of the resumed attacks, adding that scores of other Gazans, mostly women and children, were wounded in the Israeli bombing and bombardment.
The occupation Israeli forces rapidly resumed the attacks on the strip after expiry of the truce at 7 a.m. this morning, targeting all regions of the enclave including mosques and farms.
The Israelis and Palestinians had observed a seven-day truce during which they swapped prisoners, including three dead Israelis.
Whole residential districts in the strip had been turned into huge piles of rubble due to the previous fierce round of aggression, involving warplanes, artillery and tanks. (pickup previous) wib.rk