TOKYO, Nov 20 (KUNA) -- Chinese Vice President Han Zheng said on Monday that Beijing will continue to work with Arab and Islamic countries to promote the full implementation of the relevant resolutions of the UN General Assembly and the Security Council on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, state-run Xinhua News Agency reported.
Han's remarks came during a meeting with a delegation of Arab and Islamic foreign ministers in Beijing.
The delegation was led by Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud, grouping foreign ministers from Jordan, Egypt, Palestine, and Indonesia, and the secretary general of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.
"China highly appreciates the peace efforts and the call for justice at the Joint Arab Islamic Extraordinary Summit and supports the joint ministerial follow-up committee to play a greater role," Han said.
"China is deeply concerned about the extremely grave humanitarian situation in Gaza and is speeding up emergency supplies and cash assistance to Gaza." As the rotating presidency of the Security Council this month, China will continue to work with Arab and Islamic countries to promote the full implementation of the relevant resolutions of the General Assembly and the Security Council and make unremitting efforts to realize a ceasefire, ease the humanitarian situation, and return to the two-state solution, the vice president said.
The delegation thanked China for its leadership in promoting the adoption of important resolutions by the General Assembly and the Security Council, according to the report the Arab and Islamic countries highly appreciate China's adherence to principles and upholding of justice and hope to work with China to push for an immediate ceasefire, increase humanitarian assistance, and implement the two-state solution, the delegation said.
In a separate meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Beijing, the foreign ministers of Arab and Islamic countries present briefed him on the Joint Arab-Islamic Extraordinary Summit, according to China's Foreign Ministry. Noting the large number of civilian casualties and continued humanitarian disasters in Gaza, they stressed the international community should take responsible actions as soon as possible to promote an immediate ceasefire and cessation of hostilities, ensure unimpeded delivery of humanitarian aid and supplies to Gaza, protect innocent Palestinian civilians and prevent the forced relocation of civilians in Gaza, the ministry said in a statement.
The foreign ministers of Arab and Islamic countries also said they look forward to closer coordination with China to prevent the crisis from spreading, restart the peace talk process, promote the establishment of an independent Palestinian state on the basis of the two-state solution, avoid a vicious cycle of violence for violence, and achieve enduring peace and stability in the Middle East, according to the statement.
Arab and Islamic countries expect China to play a greater role in ending the Palestine-Israel conflict, resolving the Palestine-Israel issue and achieving fairness and justice, they said.
Wang said China has always firmly upheld the legitimate rights and interests of Arab and Islamic countries and firmly supported the just cause of the Palestinian people to restore their legitimate national rights and interests.
In regard to this conflict, China has firmly stood on the side of justice and fairness, has been working hard to de-escalate the conflict, protect civilians, expand humanitarian aid, and prevent humanitarian disasters, and has been calling for a return to the two-state solution and the early settlement of the Palestinian question. (end) mk.ibi