BRUSSELS, Nov 18 (KUNA) -- EU High Representative Josep Borrell Saturday rejected any displacement of population from Gaza by the Israel occupation, as well as reduction of any territory in Gaza.
"No forced displacement of population out of Gaza because Gaza is a Palestinian territory and should remain a Palestinian territory. So no separation from the territory of Gaza from the West bank and East Jerusalem. There are no three Palestinian territories. There is one Palestinian territory. So no reduction of the territory of Gaza," he said in his intervention at the Manama Dialogue in Bahrain. His speech was distributed to the media by his office in Brussels today.
The EU's foreign policy chief recalled that six months ago, he started working with Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt and the Arab League in a very enthusiastic way to try to revive the so-called Middle East Peace Process.
"It is a fallacy that we could solve the problem in the region thinking we could have agreements between Arab States and the State of Israel, forgetting about the Palestinians. And there has to be also peace between Israel and Palestine. Otherwise there will not be peace and no security in the region and in the world," he stressed.
"Palestinians in the West Bank too deserve security. More than 400 of them have been killed since the beginning of the year. Everywhere; one horror does not justify another," he said.
Borrell said that the Europeans and the Arabs have a particular responsibility to engage more in looking for a solution.
He added that a strong involvement of the Arab countries will be required in the economic and political reconstruction of Gaza, not only the physical reconstruction. (end) nk.hb