BRUSSELS, Nov 16 (KUNA) -- The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, will travel to Egypt and Jordan on Saturday, the European Commission said in a statement Thursday.
She will first travel to Cairo, where she will meet with President Abdulfattah Al-Sisi. In the afternoon, Von der Leyen will travel to the Al-Arish airport, where she will welcome the delivery of EU humanitarian supplies arrived on that day. She will then hand them over to Egyptian Red Crescent Society.
Later that day, von der Leyen will travel to Amman, where she will meet with King of Jordan, Abdullah II. This meeting follows the visit of King Abdullah II to Brussels last week, where both leaders discussed in particular recent developments and the need to prevent the spread of violence in the region.
Meanwhile, EU High Representative Josep Borrell today began a visit to the Middle East and the Gulf to discuss the war in Gaza. (end)