Date : 01/10/2023
DOHA, Oct 1 (KUNA) - The State of Kuwait is keen on achieving food security, especially in light of the challenges facing some countries, said Chairman of the Board of Directors and Director General of the Food and Nutrition Public Authority, Dr. Reem Al-Fulaij Sunday.
In a statement to KUNA, Al-Fulaij added after the opening of the Second High-Level Forum on Food Security of the Islamic Organization for Food Security, hosted by Doha, that OIC's concerted efforts will enhance food security.
She also stated that integration between the countries of the OIC will achieve and enhance food security, especially since many of these countries are considered food producers. Still, they face some challenges in marketing and exporting.
The OIC's second high-level forum on food security contributes to the search for sustainable solutions to the challenges facing the member states of the organization. (end)