WASHINGTON, Sept 30 (KUNA) -- American National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan expressed concern over Serbian military mobilizations near the Kosovo border and urged for de-escalation between the two sides.
Sullivan spoke on the phone last night with Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti and condoled him on the loss of the Kosovo police officer slain in the line of duty during the violent attacks that took place on September 24, read a White House-issued statement.
The statement further reaffirmed readiness of the United States to work with its allies to ensure that NATO Kosovo Force's (KFOR) remains appropriately resourced to fulfill its mission.
The two also discussed the EU-facilitated dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, which the National Security Advisor underscored was the only long-term solution to ensuring stability throughout Kosovo.
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken had spoken earlier with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and urged him to take immediate measures to de-escalate tensions with Kosovo.
During the phone call, Blinken asserted that those responsible for the attacks must be held accountable as this is an unacceptable challenges to KFOR and the international community, reported the Department of State.
The North Atlantic Alliance had conveyed Friday its extreme concern over the mounting tensions in North Kosovo and declared that it had sent reinforcements to the peace-keeping mission.
Tensions had erupted a Kosovo police officer was killed on September 24, a few kilometers away from Serbia borders. This was followed by an exchange of fire that lasted for hours. (end) amm.aai