VIENNA, Sept 22 (KUNA) -- The State of Kuwait appreciated the leading role of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in maximizing benefit from peaceful applications of the nuclear energy.
Speaking on behalf of Kuwait at the 65th Regular Session of IAEA General Conference on Wednesday, Counsellor of Kuwait Embassy in Austria Abdullah Al-Obaidi said the UN nuclear watchdog plays a pivotal role in sharing nuclear expertise among its member countries.
The State of Kuwait has always been keen on contributing to the Agency's efforts to implement nuclear and safeguards, including the initiative "Atoms for Peace and Development," the Kuwaiti diplomat said.
"Kuwait stands ready to work with the Agency and all other stakeholders to make better use of nuclear science in improving the living conditions and public health," he affirmed.
Al-Obaidi spoke highly of Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme (MSCFP) aiming to increase the number of women in the nuclear field.
"This program is in consistency with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the objectives of Kuwait Vision 2035, which attaches great importance to women's role," he went on saying.
The State of Kuwait appreciates the IAEA's endeavor "Building Capacity for Nuclear Security," he said, noting that his country has built an effective partnership with the Agency under the technical cooperation programme (2022-2023).
"This programme includes five projects in the fields of nuclear applications in the oil industry, production of Genetically modified crops (GM crops), potable subterranean waters, treatment of cancer, and power generating stations," Al-Obaidi revealed.
Affirming the right of all countries to use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, he cautioned that proliferation of nuclear weapons poses a grave threat to world peace and security.
"Kuwait attributes maximum importance to the verification of the implementation of the IAEA's comprehensive safeguards agreements," Al-Obaidi said, reiterating the call for the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) to join these agreements and implement the relevant UN Security Council resolutions.
He also renewed the call for the Islamic Republic of Iran to return to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) based on the UNSC Resolution 2231.
He voiced hope that Iran would recommit itself to the JCPOA and the Additional Protocol, thus allowing the IAEA monitors to verify the peaceful nature of the country's nuclear program.
"In this context, Kuwait mission welcomes the recent visit to Iran by IAEA Director General and hopes this promising step would help turn a new leaf in the relations between the Agency and Iran, he stated.
"The State of Kuwait is committed to the efforts aiming to declare the Middle East a nuclear-free region in keeping with the outcomes of the 1995 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT).
"We underscore the need of Israel joining the NPT and remind of the content of the statement of the Arab group of states on the capabilities and risks of the Israeli nuclear program," he stressed.
Al-Obaidi welcomed the outcomes of the first session of the Conference on the Establishment of a Middle East Zone Free of Nuclear Weapons held in New York in November 2019 under the chairmanship of Jordan.
He voiced hope that Kuwait would host the second session of the conference in November.
On Monday, the State of Kuwait was elected chair of the 65th Regular Session of IAEA General Conference for the first time since it joined the Agency five decades ago with the 173 member states unanimously voting. (end)