BRUSSELS, May 28 (KUNA) -- The European Union Thursday called for an urgent solution to the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam issue and to avoid further escalation of the situation.
This was expressed by EU High Representative Josep Borrell in a phone call with the Commissioner of the African Union Peace and Security Commission Smail Chergui.
The two men discussed the latest developments on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, according to a statement released by Borrellآ’s office today.
"Resolving the Nile dispute is a matter of stability for the whole region. It is now important to avoid further escalation and find an urgent and mutually beneficial solution," said Borrell .
Over the past weeks, the EU foreign policy chief has been engaging with all parties and strongly encouraged them to avoid increased polarisation, it noted.
He recalled that the EU welcomes the decision to resume technical talks between the Water Ministers of Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan.
He underlined the EUآ’s readiness to support the parties in this endeavour and share its expertise. (end) nk.rk