ALGIERS, April 4 (KUNA) -- Partial lockdown will be broadened to all provinces of the country except the province of Blida, while the hourly volume of partial lockdown will be extended from 3 p.m. to 7 a.m. for other nine provinces from tomorrow Sunday, Algeria Prime Minister's office said Saturday.
The province of Blida is already in full lockdown.
In a statement by the premier office, the measure is "in accordance with Executive Decrees Nos 20-69, 20-70 and 20-72 as well as the organizational arrangements initiated for their implementation under measures to prevent and fight against the spread of the coronavirus "COVID-19".
"The extension of the measure of partial lockdown to all provinces of the country, expect the province of Blida which remains on total lockdown.
The partial lockdown measure takes effect from 07:00 p.m. to 07:00 a.m. in all the new provinces targeted, i.e. thirty-eight (38)," the statement said.
"The new measures of partial lockdown will take effect as of Sunday, 5 April 2020 and will remain in force until Sunday 19 April 2020," the statement noted. (end) mr.mb