By Khaled Al-Daihani

LONDON, Nov 29 (KUNA) -- UK's Minister of State for the Middle East and North Africa Alistair Burt praised Kuwait's Ambassador Khaled Al-Duwaisan's role in boosting the two countries' relationship.
Burt made his remarks in a ceremony held late Wednesday at the Conservative Middle East Council to mark the 25th anniversary of Al-Duwaisan's post as an ambassador to the UK, in presence of politicians, parliamentarians, Arab and foreign diplomats.
Al-Duwaisan is part of historic Kuwaiti-British ties in modern day, he said, adding he has been working for a quarter-century to solidify the two countries' ties on official and popular levels.
He sets a good example for the diligent diplomat who spares no time or effort to represent his country in best possible ways and promote its principles with utmost passion and respect at international arenas, said Burt.
Al-Duwaisan had also had a key role in bolstering relations between Arab countries and the UK since becoming the dean of diplomatic corps in London, he added.
The British relationship with Kuwait and Arab countries is heading towards further development and expansion, particularly since Brexit and signing free trade agreements with various world countries, noted the British top official.
Britain pays a great deal of attention to the Arab region, Burt noted, adding his country will continue its efforts to boost ties with Arabs toward wider prospects.
For his part, CMEC's Chairman Sir Hugo Swire praised, in a statement to KUNA, Al-Duwaisan's significant role in strengthening Kuwaiti-British ties.
Since assuming his post as an ambassador of his country in 1992, Al-Duwaisan had sought tirelessly to participate effectively in most political symposiums and meetings he was invited to, Swire said, adding he had a strong desire to enhance the Kuwaiti-British relationship.
He was able to create a large network of distinctive connections with various British political classes, he noted, adding such efforts had contributed in acknowledging Kuwait's political and humanitarian role.
For his part, Ambassador Al-Duwaisan dedicated his CMEC's honoring to Kuwait and said it expresses depth of solid relationship between the two countries.
The Kuwaiti-British relationship has seen lately a major development due to their leaderships' keenness in boosting bilateral ties on all levels, said the Kuwaiti diplomat.
His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah's 1992 visit to the UK had resulted in establishing the Joint Guidance Committee, which meets every six months to discuss ways to boost the extraordinary relationship between Kuwait and UK, he noted.
Moreover, Al-Duwaisan recalled Britain's brave and supportive stand with Kuwait during the Iraqi invasion of the country in 1990, particularly ex-Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's significant role in that regard which contributed in Kuwait's liberation in 1991.
He also said the relationship between Kuwait and Great Britain dates back to 1899 during the reign of Amir of Kuwait Sheikh Mubarak Al-Sabah, who signed an agreement with the British government to make Kuwait a British protectorate. (end)