TOKYO, June 27 (KUNA) -- Japan will continue talking with the US and other relevant countries over its demand for the suspension of Iranian crude oil imports, a top government spokesman said Wednesday.
"We are carefully analyzing the impact of US measures. Japan will continue to discuss the issue firmly with countries concerned, including the US, to avoid negative impact on Japanese companies," Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga told a press conference.
The US has urged Japan and other allies to completely cut imports of Iranian oil by November 4 as part of coordinated economic sanctions on the Middle Eastern country, a senior State Department official told reporters on Tuesday. The relevant countries also include the European Union, China, South Korea, India and Turkey. Iran accounts for about 5 percent of Japan's total crude oil imports, according to the government. Suga said Tokyo is consulting with Washington on the sanctions but declined to reveal details. "We are also in contact with the Iranian authorities," he added.
US President Donald Trump announced on May 8 that his country will pull out of the international nuclear agreement with Iran and reinstate its sanctions on the Islamic Republic.
The accord, struck by Iran, the US, Britain, China, France, Germany and Russia in 2015, eased sanctions on Iran in exchange for the country curbing its nuclear program. (end) mk.mah