JEDDAH, May 8 (KUNA) -- Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and the UAE supported on Tuesday US President Donald Trump's decision on withdrawing from the nuclear deal and re-imposing sanctions against Iran.
Riyadh backed what has been included in Trump's announcement regarding re-imposing economic sanctions on Iran that were previously lifted in accordance with the deal, said a statement published by Saudi Press Agency (SPA).
Saudi Arabia's previous backing to the nuclear deal between Iran and the P5+1 group was based on its full conviction of the necessity of working to curb the spread of weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East region and the world, according to the statement.
Riyadh accused Iran of exploiting economic revenues resulted from the lifting of sanctions in continuing its activities aiming to destabilize the region, mainly through developing ballistic missiles and supporting Yemen's Houthis, the statement noted.
Saudi Arabia pointed out that Houthis used capabilities provided by Iran in targeting civilians in the Kingdom and Yemen, and navigation waterways, it said, adding that such acts represent a blatant violation of the UN Security Council resolutions.
The Kingdom reiterated its support for, and welcome of, the strategy announced previously by the US president towards Iran, it stated.
It expressed hope that the international community would take a decisive action against Tehran and its hostile acts destabilizing the region.
The Kingdom stressed its continued work with all partners in the US and international community so as to achieve the aspired goals of the US decision made earlier in the day, it elaborated.
It also stressed the necessity of facing danger posed by Iran's policies to international peace and security, with a comprehensive perspective not only its nuclear activities but also all hostile acts, including its interference in the internal affairs of the region's countries and supporting terrorism, the statement concluded.
Meanwhile, UAE's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation urged, in a statement, the international community and other states that are party to the agreement to support Trump's stand for making the Middle East a zone free of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction, in order to maintain global security and stability. Furthermore, Bahrain's foreign ministry affirmed, in a press release, its full support for Trump's decision, which reflects the US' commitment to combating Iran's policies and its continued attempts to spread terrorism in the region in full violation of international norms and laws.
The release said that the agreement included several shortcomings, topped with not addressing Iran's ballistic missile program, or its threats to the region's security and stability through its interference in the internal affairs of other countries as well as its support for militias in these countries.
It affirmed Bahrain's solidarity with Trump's decision and its support for the US efforts aiming to end terrorism on both regional and international levels.
Bahrain also called on all other signatories to the deal to consider the region's security and peace, and take steps similar to those taken by the US, it pointed out.
The release reiterated Bahrain's support for all efforts seeking to make the Middle East free of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction.
It also emphasized Bahrain's position towards all measures taken to prevent Tehran from obtaining nuclear weapons, and to combat its funding and support of extremist militias in the region.
Finally, Bahrain urged Iran to respect sovereignty of its neighbors and not to interfere in their internal affairs. (end)