NEW YORK, April 28 (KUNA) -- The State of Kuwait will be an integral part of the UNSC delegation tasked with inspecting and evaluating the status of some 700,000 Rohingya refugees and displaced in Myanmar and Bangladesh, said a senior Kuwaiti diplomat Saturday.
In statement to KUNA, Kuwait's Permanent Representative to the UN headquarters in New York Ambassador Mansour Al-Otaibi said that the delegation -- led by Kuwait, the UK, and Peru -- would look into means to ensure the safety of the refugees and enable them to return to their homes and dwellings.
Ambassador Al-Otaibi said that Kuwait, since joining the UNSC as a non-permanent, tried to initiate such visit to the Rohingya while presiding over the Presidency of the council back in February; however, the authorities in Myanmar said that such visit was not suitable at that time.
He affirmed that through its time in the UNSC, the State of Kuwait would use all resources to defend just issues pertaining to the Arab and Islamic worlds, noting that the situation of the Rohingya was one of the most urgent humanitarian topics of this age. (end) asf.gta