WASHINGTON, Jan 29 (KUNA) -- President Donald Trump on Monday said he and representatives from the UN Security Council would discuss a range of security challenges, including the de-nuclearization of North Korea, Iran, ending the Syrian conflict, Afghanistan and confronting terrorism.
In remarks at the White House prior to their working lunch, Trump praised the United Nations on the economic and financial front.
The UN is now "like a whole different place," Trump said, but much work remains to be done.
The group also planned to discuss what more can be done to defeat the Taliban, Trump said.
"They're killing people left and right. Innocent people are being killed left and right, bombing in the middle of children, in the middle of families, bombing, killing all over Afghanistan," Trump said.
"So we don't want to talk with the Taliban. There may be a time, but it's going to be a long time." (end) rm.sd