CAIRO, Dec 2 (KUNA) -- Egyptian President Abdelfatah Al-Sisi held talks with visiting US Secretary of Defense James Mattis Saturday on terrorism and extremism, and how to restore security and stability in the Middle East.
Al-Sisi underlined importance of collective international efforts to dry up terrorism financing and the need to reach political solutions for crises in the Middle East in a way that preserve territorial integrity of nations, presidency spokesman Bassam Radhi said in a statement.
The Egyptian President also called for further strengthening of military cooperation with the US, said Radhi.
Mattis said the US was keen on boosting relations with Egypt, which was a stabilizing force in the Middle East.
The US stands by Egypt in its war against terrorism, said Mattis.
Mattis' is in Egypt as the first leg of a tour that would take him to Jordan, Pakistan and Kuwait to reaffirm enduring US commitment to partnerships in the Middle East, West Africa and South Asia.
The Pentagon chief will conclude his trip with a visit to Kuwait on December 5, where he will meet with top Kuwaiti officials. (end)