BRUSSELS, Nov 7 (KUNA) -- The European Union Military Committee met Tuesday at the level of Chiefs of Defence and discussed the fight against terrorism and the prevention of radicalisation, and in particular the threat of so-called Islamic State (IS) with partner countries.
Speaking at a press conference after the meeting, chair of the committee General Mikhail Kostarakos said the Chief of the Tunisian armed forces Brigadier General Ismail Fathali and deputy chief of the Jordanian armed forces were invited to the meeting as guest speakers and they provided their own views on the fight against terrorism and radicalisation.
The meeting also took stock of implementation of the EU Global strategy in the area of security and defence.
It also had a discussion on the EU-NATO cooperation together with General Petr Pavel, the Chairman of the NATO Military Committee and with General Curtis Scaparrotti, NATO's Supreme Allied Commander Europe, he said.
They received an update on EU-NATO cooperation, including on cooperation in hybrid and cyber domains.
EU Chiefs of Defence discussed EU military operations, including Operation Atalanta against piracy off Somalia and EUNAVFOR Operation Sophia against human trafficking in the Mediterranean.
Finally, the committee elected General Claudio Graziano, the Italian Chief of Defence, as the next permanent Chair of the EU Military Committee. He will take office in November 2018. (end)