CAIRO, Feb 19 (KUNA) -- The Arab ministers of economy and finance concluded their 95th regular meeting here on Thursday with an agreement on socio-economic dossier to be presented to the Arab summit, due in Sharm El-Sheikh on March 26.
The dossier includes, inter alia, an Egyptian initiative for combating extremist ideology and cyberterrorism, and a Bahraini initiative on the development of home businesses and illiteracy eradication, the Arab Economic and Social Council said in its final communique.
The ministers agreed on the measures to establish the Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA) and the Arab Customs Union as well as the joint action on climate change, the Millennium Development Goals and post-2015 Development Agenda.
They adopted a report on the implementation of the resolutions of the second and third Arab economic, social and development summits, held in Riyadh and Kuwait in January, 2013, and March, 2014, respectively.
The Arab Economic and Social Council decided to convene senior-level and ministerial meetings in Tunis on March 23 and 25 respectively to prepare for fourth Arab economic, social and development summit summit, to be hosted by Tunisia this year, according to the statement.
On the sidelines of the meeting, Kuwait's chief delegate Khaled Al-Saif highlighted the importance of the Sham El-Sheikh summit in promoting the Arab economic integration.
The summit will focus on how to ensure sufficient financing for the economic projects that could bring the Arab peoples loser to each other, Al-Saif who led Kuwait's delegation to the meeting on behalf of Minister of Finance, said in statements to KUNA.
He added that the meeting ironed out some problems relating to customs, tourism, transport, climate and fish resources.
He voiced hope that the summits of Sharm El-Sheikh and Tunis will help the open borders among the Arab countries in order to liberalize trade, prepare the ground for the Arab common market and boost economic development. (pickup previous)