WASHINGTON, Sept 29 (KUNA) -- US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met His Highness Kuwaiti Prime Minister Sheikh Nasser Al-Mohammad Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah here Thursday.
Following the meeting, Kuwaiti Ambassador in Washington Sheikh Salem Al-Abdullah Al-Jaber Al-Sabah said talks between both sides were "positive, constructive and candid", involving several bilateral, regional and international issues.
They discussed the planned US withdrawal from Iraq and the ongoing developments in the Arab world, notably the so-called Arab Spring, he said.
They also discussed the issue of Kuwaiti prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, said the Kuwaiti ambassador, quoting Sheikh Nasser as urging Clinton to do her best to resolve the issue.
HH the Prime Minister has also met Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen on bilateral military cooperation and Gulf region, and the future US role in Kuwait and the Gulf region following US withdrawal from Iraq, he said.
He quoted the US general as reiterating Washington's commitment to Gulf security in general and Kuwaiti security in particular.
Sheikh Nasser has also met George Washington University President Steven Knapp, who, speaking to KUNA and Kuwait Television, hailed the talks as very good.
Knapp hailed relations between his university and Kuwait, the ambassador pointed out.
The talks were attended by HH the Prime Minister's accompanying delegation. (end) si.mt KUNA 300118 Sep 11NNNN