CAIRO, July 3 (KUNA) -- Egyptian Foreign Minister Mohammad Al-Orabi asserted Sunday that there is no room for making a choice between justice and stability in Lebanon, noting that justice is a demand sought by each Lebanese, and it is the real guarantee for stability.
Al-Orabi said here today, in statements to the press, that Egypt was keen since the very beginning on the establishment of justice and the respect of the procedures of the International Tribunal for Lebanon, which is tasked with investigating into the assassination of ex-Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Al-Hariri.
He also made clear that such keenness does not only stem out of legal and moral obligation on establishing justice, but because the establishment of justice is the only way to restrain the culprits, and stop the series of assassinations, which Lebanon suffered from over the past years.
Further, he pointed out that the establishment of justice requires sustaining the procedures of the International Tribunal for Lebanon according to legal traditions, noting that investigation will be conducted with accused "persons," and not with organizations or political or religious groups as "the accused person is innocent until proven guilty." Al-Orabi also expressed Egypt's confidence in the commitment of all Lebanese parties to their national unity, recalling that the establishment of justice serves the interests of all Lebanese who have previously agreed upon this principle at the national dialogue conference.
He also said that Lebanese will not allow the "blood of martyrs" to become a source of dissenstion among them.
Meanwhile, Al-Orabi received a phone call from head of the politburo of Hamas movement Khaled Meshaal, in which both reviewed the latest developments on the Palestinian scene, and Meshaal congratulated Al-Orabi on the new psot, according to Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Menha Bakhoum.
Bakhoum said that Meshaal expressed Hamas's appreciation for the role played by Egypt in achieving the Palestinian reconciliation, and briefed the Foreign Minister with latest developments on forming the Palestinian National Unity government, expressing his resolve on visiting Cairo, and meeting Al-Orabi in order to finalize talks on the Palestinian file.
On his part, Al-Orabi asserted the importance of completing other obligations subsequent to the Palestinian reconciliation in order to move to the stage of getting the international recognition of the Palestinian state, and to invalidate any pretexts by Israel for avoiding the resumption of peace negotiations. (end) zab.aff KUNA 031511 Jul 11NNNN