(With photos) BRUSSELS, June 14 (KUNA) -- EU Commissioner for justice and fundamental rights, Viviane Reding, inaugurated here Tuesday night a photojournalism exhibition on Afghan women titled "Afghan Women Making the News".
The exhibition "shows the dreams and the souls of women in Afghanistan" said Reding.
"Do we really know about the 14.5 million women in Afghanistan and do we have the right picture about them," she asked.
The co-curator of the exhibition, Khorshied Samad, said the 50 photos on display tell the story of the lives of Afghan women journalists, producers, managers, writers, photographers, filmmakers, human rights activists and parliamentarians.
"All of these women serve as models, playing public roles that demand great personal courage," said Samad a former Afghan TV journalist.
The think-tank European Foundation for Democracy in cooperation with the embassy of Afghanistan in Belgium have organised the exhibition which will be on display at Brussels Press Club till mid-July.
The exhibition has already been held in France, the UK, Canada and Indonesia. (end) nk.bs KUNA 142344 Jun 11NNNN