GAZA, June 2 (KUNA) -- Prison guards have seized and confiscated 50 cell phones, being smuggled into Ketziot Prison for Palestinian prisoners, Israel Radio said on Thursday.
Israeli authorities detained three suspects, two Israelis and a Palestinian, involved in smuggling cell phones to political prisoners, according to the radio.
The 50 cell phones were hidden in the food provisions sent to the inmates at Ketziot Prison, the radio said.
One of the suspects works for the company that supplies food to the prison, it added.
The prison warden has been indicted by the Beersheba District Court for receiving briberies from the inmates and helping in the smuggle of such devices into the cells.
On Sunday, a former Ketziot warden was convicted by the same tribunal for for providing cell phones to the prisoners.(end) mzt.hs KUNA 021048 Jun 11NNNN