AMMAN, May 23 (KUNA) -- King Abdullah II of Jordan held talks with Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas here Monday on efforts being exerted to remove obstacles hampering resumption of Israeli-Palestinian negotiations.
Both men discussed all final-status issues that would lead to the two-state solution which would see declaration of the independent Palestinian state on the 1967 borders, a statement by the Royal Court said.
King Abdullah briefed Abbas about outcome of his recent visit to the US, and that the inter-Palestinian conciliation was a "positive step" towards the unity of the Palestinian people.
Abbas, in a statement after the meeting, said they have discussed King Abdullah's visit to the US and the Monarch's role, hand-in-hand with US President Barack Obama, to establish the Palestinian state on the 1967 borders.
Obama's speech in which he said the Palestinian state should be established on the 1967 borders came to light "because of the efforts of His Majesty King Abdullah," he said.
Asked about the Palestinian conciliation, Abbas said "We are trying to form a government of technocrats.
"This government is my government and follows my strategy and policy, it is a government of independents and has no person who belongs to a Palestinian organization," he said. (end) KUNA 232246 May 11NNNN